An interview with Ada Rovatti: I like the fact that I present myself to the audience in a different format

An interview with Ada Rovatti. By Laura Wulff

The joy in your playing has brought joy to so many others, including and especially me. What do you think is its secret?

Well thank you ! it really warms my heart to know that I could touch someone and bring them joy. That is the highest compliment. I think it might be my honesty. I don’t try to to be gullible I am honest in what I feel and deliver and what you hear it’s straight to my heart and I do believe that people appreciate it and feel it.

What are the experiences of your life that led you to see music as a spiritual endeavor?

I was introduced to music at an early age and I saw right away that for me there was a indissoluble tie between music and spirituality and I was allured into this unknown feeling that was somehow soothing to me.

Life is more than just music, is there any other field that has influence on your music?

Life. That is a pretty rollercoaster of itself and never miss the chance to throw you some influences.

Where does your creative drive come from?

I am an avid observer and very curious about everything and I think that keeps this brain “oiled and semi working! “

The Music Scene 09.23.21 | The East Hampton Star

But in your formative, figuring things out, years, whose sense of rhythm did you admire? Who has impacted you rhythmically?

Just the other day I was thinking how the heartbeat is the most interesting Rhythm of all.

What are you doing to keep it relevant today, to develop it and present it to the youth?

I try to keep an eye and ear to what is happening musically today to be sure I have some connection with the new generations and don’t want to shield myself into a corner. If I want younger people to peak into my music and my world I have to be willing to do the same towards theirs.

Do you have any interesting stories about the making of the new album?

This album is truly a global project. The rhythm section was recorded in Germany, the strings in NYC all the guests were spread all over USA and Europe but what it amazed me is that the everyone delivered exactly what I envisioned and add that magical sparks that usually happens only on live sessions…

How it was formed your new album The Hidden World Of Piloo,

Originally was meant to be a full vocal album, every tune a different singer…but eventually it turned out to be only half and I do think it found it’s own perfect balance. Piloo is my nickname given to me by my father and as the title says this project meant to show “The Hidden World Of Piloo” – “me”. It exposed a more hidden and vulnerable part of me where I decided to push my boundaries and get out of my comfort zone and see where it would take me. It is not the classical jazz recording where the improvisation is the focal point, but the main idea is showcasing other parts of my persona. From playing other saxes and flute, to arranging for strings, to writing lyrics and even controlling all parts of the production, editing, LP/CD design, photoshoot, make up and even the clothes I’m wearing on the cover is my design and my own sewing.

I Like the fact that I present myself to the audience in a different format.

And how did you select the musicians who play on the album?

Originally the production was meant to be a collaboration between my label and a German label, and the great producer Joachim Becker in helping to put this amazing rhythm section together. (Simon Oslender on Piano and Organ, Claus Fischer on Bass and Tim Dudek on drums- all spectacular musicians and humans). I knew all of them and played previously with them and I loved their musicianship, so it was a treat for me.) Regarding all the guests they are all artists with whom I collaborated previously or were on my “wish” list and I was thrilled to have them on this project. Each one of them really went beyond their duty to make it special.

Ada Rovatti - Brecker Brothers Band Reunion - Cala Gonone Jazz 2013 - YouTube

How have you managed to so successfully pull so much of your life and personality through so much of your music?

Well it’s like a circle: for me life go through music and music go through life and they feed off each other. I just try to be a decent human being in the midst of it.

Did your sound evolve during that time?

Yes I think so. And it will evolve until I’ll be around.

What´s been the highlights in your life and career so far?

There are so many…. I think being able to pull off this last recording, born during the pandemic and with so many uncertainties it was definitely and achievement/highlight for me.

Your life is an open book or that your life is always open to new experiences, or something else?

Wow ! I feel I am on a therapy session ! lol ~ Well my life is always open to new experiences so I would be able to have my life enough interesting to use it as an open book to be read.

What would you say characterizes Jazz scene in comparison to other local scenes and circuits?

I don’t like to think as a restrictive scene and I wouldn’t like to be part of a specific cast. I am a musician who love music and love to have no boundaries and not belonging to any specific restrained scenario.

Do you think there is an audience for young people to become future audiences and fans?

Of course. There are billions of people out there each one with their own likes and dislikes. I hope to be able to reach as many people out there and hope that at some point my music can be the soundtrack of their life.

Interview: Ada Rovatti - JazzWax

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